Friday, September 27, 2013

Student Success Statement

"everytime ive done something that dosent feel right , its ended up not being right".

Mario Cuomo

The statement is talking about how the fact that doing something wrong it can affect you after youve done it. its the concsense that weighs you down and that tells you that its the fact that the quote is more after the act and his reflectin on what hes done. the quote is more of how what you feel is more diferent after the situation has changed and how you feel after its changed.

  the job of the cytotechnologiast is the study of the living cells and to check if the cells are infected or acting abnormal. it is a job that requres patience and vigilane and the ability to not over look anything. that is the job of the cytotechnician and its not really a job for me cause i dont care much for the medicle field.

Duties and responsibilities
 Cytology is the study of human body cells. Cytotechnologists are specified trained clinical technologists who study human body cells. They examine cells to identify changes that may identify disease like cancer
  Their duties include preparing microscope slides of cell samples, examining cell samples using microscopes, identifying abnormalities in shape size or color using other attenuated lab equipment to preform tests, and analyzing report test results to physicians.
  Cytotechnologists usually work in hospitals or private laboratories. They also work in universities or for other researchers.
Average Salary: $30, 00-$50,000
Educational Requirements
  Students should take the most challenging high school courses in science math and English

  An almost all cytologist can earn a bachelor’s degree in medical technology programs that include a yearlong clinical internship in the field

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Student Success Statement

"Goodness is the only investment that never fails ."

Henry David Thoreau

the statement is saying that the good investment is the good things you do an is the only thing that is guaranteed in life so its the only sound investment that any one should do. its the  statement were the person who does good in life is rewarded good in life, it  assimilates with certain karma like ideals that are also based on the fact were the good you do is also rewarded with good and the bad you do, bad thing will happen to you. its very similar with many other quotes ov doing something good leads to good things happening to you in return. this philosophy of sending good out into the world in order to ensure your humanity is very respectable because. showing kindness to other and being a good person nowadays is rare cause this world is full of hatred and evil and these quotes may seem insignificant and meaningless but they can have a huge impact on certain people and those people may  change this world for the better.

Health information specialist
Part 2
Educational requirements:
 Students should take the high school courses in business, information management, science, math, and English
Coding specialist MUST HAVE A HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA OR GED certificate. Training is usually conducted on the job, but classes are offered at technical school and community colleges. To become certified, specialists must pass an examination.
Accredited record technicians must earn an associate’s degree from an accredited college program or from and the American health information management association independent study program. Additionally, they must pass a credentialing examination.

Record administrators must complete a bachelor’s degree program in the field and pass a certification examination.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Student Success Statement

"a good name will shine brightly"


The statement says that a name will shine brightly if it is good. the statement says that if your good then your name will stand for something good. It would have some  recognition it would be good and it will have a good reputation. The statement says that as long as your name is shining brightly it represents something good and you have a good reputation because it shines brightly.

Health Information Specialist
Duties and responsibilities
 Health information specialist obtains, post, and analyzes medical, workload finance, and insurance data. They ensure that this information is properly recorded into medical records so practitioners can plan and evaluate health care provided to patients
  There are a variety of job specialists within this field including registered record technicians, and certified coding specialist. Administrator coordinates the various information management responsibilities and supervises record technicians and coding specialists. Record technicians ensure medical records are accurate, coordinate, reinburstment, and maintain disease registries for research. Coding specialist assign and post correct   diagnostics and procedure codes to records and report codes to insurance companies.

  Health information specialists work in hospitals, clinics, insurance, company’s physicians’ offices, and many others medical settings.
Average salary:
$20,000 - $25,000(coding specialists)
$23,000- $30,000(record technicians)
$30,000 - $40,000(record administration)

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Student Success Statement

"There is no pillow so soft as a  clear conscience"

French Proverb

The statement states that any heavy burden would weigh you down and keep you in turmoil. The statement is just saying that feeling bad is because you did something bad. It says that if you do something right and it would make you feel good. Like if you had the opportunity to do some ting good and you didn't do anything so you would feel bad for not doing it or you would feel good for doing it. The state is stating that the inner feeling for doing something good is the best feeling in the world. And how the feeling is greatest and how theres nothing better than that feeling of doing something good.
Nurse practitioner and clinical nurse specialist
Duties and Responsibilities
Nurse practitioners and clinical nurse’s specialists are advanced practice registered nurses who have received special courses and training and courses and training. They usually work closely with doctors and can perform many high level primary care tasks they often specialize in specific types of practices such as podiatrist, psychiatry, or obstetrics, some establish private practices, however, most work in doctors’ offices, hospitals, or neighborhood health centers. Duties often include
-taking detailed medical histories and preforming complete physical exams.
-providing diagnoses and recommending treatment plans.
-treating common medical conditions, illness, and injury
-councelining, ptients and families.
Average Salary: $39,000 - $70,000
Educational Requirements
Students should take challenging high school courses in science, math and English.

Students must complete all of the education requirements to become a baccalaureate prepared registered nurse. They must then complete additional master’s level training and pass a certification examination.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Student Success Statement

"I shall pass through this life but once. Any good therefore that I can do, or any kindness I can show, let me do it now. Let me not defer or neglect it; for i shall never pass this way again".


This statement is for those that seek a type of paradise after life after they have left this earth both body and spirit and its enlighten those to do good in there life. To show kindness to other and help those who need it now. To show kindness now because there may or may not be an after life. This quote is to promote people to start doing good now because when your dead your dead. So you can be remembered as a good person to those who you have left behind in this world.
Clinical Technologist

Clinical technologists perform more complex laboratory tests and procedures than technicians. They supervise technicians, confirm their tests and manage laboratory quality control programs
Most clinical laboratory specialist work in hospitals, and they are also employed by private practices from many companies and pharmaceutical companies and universities
Average Salary
$25,000- $40.000(clinical technologists)
Education requirements
Students should take the most challenging high school courses in science, math, and English.
An associate’s degree in the field or completion of a required  specialized  in-home training program is required to become a clinical laboratory technician

A bachelor’s degree in the field is normally required to become clinical technologists; however some companies accept an associate’s degree instead and extensive clinical experience as a substitute. Many technicians pursue additional graduate education or specialized training to advance their careers in clinical chemistry, blood banking, and microbiology

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

 Student Success Statement

"You have only always to do what is right. It will become easier by practice, and you enjoy in the midst of your trials the pleasure of an approving conscience"

Robert E. Lee

The statement of how you can approve your self by preforming good deeds. An not having to deal with the aftermath of a guilty conscience. This quote is more toward the side of "iv done something good for someone i feel good about my self for doing it". Its how just the fact that you have helped someone is reward enough for doing that one good deed. An not having a burden of doing something to benifit yourself over someone else. And having to live with the fact that your selfish actions prevented something good to happen to someone else. This statement is more for the humble generous people in life an how they send good out into the world. This is a statement where thinking about the outcome is more important than personal gain. And how you would feel better than the person you had helped. It is to inspire those to send more good deeds into this world. 

Clinical Laboratory Specialist
  Duties and Responsibilities
Laboratory Technicians and clinical Technicians and Chemical Technologist. These professions are also referred to as medical Laboratory Technicians or Medical Technologists
Both Technicians and Technologists perform laboratory work, to identify, diagnose, and treat diseases

Clinical laboratory technicians use microscopes, ladortory equipement, chemicals and computers to preform laboratory procedures. They also collect blood specimens and prepare culture media. They conduct tests and prepare reports for clinical technologists or physicians.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Student Success Statement

"Have the courage to say no, Have the courage to face the truth. Do the right thing because its the right. These are the magic keys to living your life with integrity"

W. Clement Stone

 The post above is more towards those that fall to temptation and are those that go with the flow of whats around them and how they choose the the wrong way all because of peer pressure. I t can change the person and have such great outcome of your future unless your willing to just say no. 
Chiropractor part 2

Educational Requirements
Students who want to become chiropractors should take challenging high school science math and English courses
Chiropractors must complete ten semesters program in a chiropractors collage after completing two years of college after completing two years of college or junior college study

Most states require that chiropractors pass a certification examination before being granted a license to practice